Monday, February 23, 2009

On Act III and Seriously?

Alright, was I the only one surprised with Act III of A Doll’s House? I mean, seriously. Where the hell did that ending come from? Dr. Rank dies, Krogstad shows a complete change of heart and runs off with Mrs. Linde, Nora runs off without any thought of her children (but that’s an entirely different blog entry), and everything about Nora’s forgery is revealed to Torvald but this exposure seems to no longer be that big of a deal! I’m sorry but Act III seems so out of place with the entire rest of the play! Acts I and II seemed to be leading………somewhere! And instead, the audience is faced with a shot from left field! For such an example of “realism,” the ending hardly seems realistic in the slightest. How will Nora meet the demands of life on her own? Has Torvald seen *any* emotional growth? Nothing has come to any satisfying conclusion! (Except, perhaps, Dr. Rank, but was it seriously necessary to kill him off?) I guess my main issue is with Krogstad and his immediate reversal of attitude. He was used until he was no longer useful to the plot and then cast aside. What depth is there in that? Acts I and II gave me so much hope. I was looking forward to an amazingly sweet ending! And then was faced with…….this. ……..…..Gosh, it’s like Episode I.

231 words.

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